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Church Update for January 2022

Sunday 9th January 10.45am Morning Worship

Jim will be leading and Nigel Gilson from St John’s will be preaching at this service.

Sunday 16th January 10.45am Family Worship

Paul will be leading and preaching and there will be Sunday School

Tuesday 11th & 18th January 9.30am Morning Service with communion

We are looking forward to seeing you there and to share refreshments afterwards.

Weekday Online Bible Readings 8.30am accessed via our Facebook page. These will restart from Monday 10th January. We will continue to read through the book of Ezekiel and Ephesians.

FRIDAY DROP-IN 10am – 12 noon

Come along and meet with others to share the crack of the day.

Or perhaps you might like to set aside some time for private prayer.

We have plans to set up a knitting group with Hazel this month. She plans to help people of all abilities. If you are a confident knitter, you might want to bring your current project along and be ready to support someone who slips a stitch! More information to follow.

Home Groups

Alongside the Sunday morning teaching series on the book of Acts, home groups will have a chance to look at the same material mid-week. If you'd like to find out more about in person or online home groups do speak to Paul

From Facebook

· St Bridget’s 200th Birthday year - 2020 has finally arrived and that means our current building is 200 years old. We’re not sure when the first service was held so we are planning to spend all year celebrating it. Starting with Sunday 30th January at 3pm we have a special service which Bishop James will attend. More details to follow.

· Bell ringing – we are looking to recruit some new bell ringers for our team during our 200th year. Full training is available with our Tower Captain, Chris using at first, the dumbbell. Full Covid risk assessments are in place and training takes place in one to one situations or more if they are in a bubble. This is a great opportunity for children to have a go too! Probably Year 5 & 6 upwards. If interested, chat with Anne Denwood or Chris DeCordova.

Earlier Event: September 2
Later Event: February 1
Church Update for February 2022