
We offer a variety of services designed to help people explore the Christian faith and grow to maturity in Christ. You will find a really warm welcome always. Please come and visit us one Sunday soon.


Please see our what’s happening page for monthly updates including details of church services, Sunday school and other gatherings and events.

We look forward to welcoming you.




Special Services



Jesus told his disciples: ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:18-20).
Jesus tells those who believe in him to be baptised as an outward sign of their faith. Baptism with water symbolises how God washes us clean when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. No-one is perfect. We all need God’s forgiveness.
Baptism also symbolises a fresh start in life. The first believers were baptised in the open air in rivers. They would go from one side to the other, going under the water and emerging into a new life with a new identity as a child of God. In some churches older children and adults are baptised in pools where they can go under the water. It is a very powerful symbol.
When babies are baptised it’s on the understanding that their parents want them to begin this journey of faith. Baptism doesn’t give a child (or an adult) a living faith in God but children can be brought up in a way that allows them to continue coming to Jesus as they grow up.

If you want to enquire about baptism for your child or for yourself please contact Revd Paul Kerry by leaving your details here.



The bible begins with God revealing his plan for creation and for us. The book of Genesis tells us that men and women are created in the ‘image of God’ – that is we share a special bond with God and are in some sense like him. Very soon it becomes clear that man and woman belong together – they are to be united in marriage. This is part of God’s good plan for us and his world. Man and woman are designed emotionally, spiritually and physically to be together, for their own good and to fulfil the good purpose that God has set down for creation. Marriage is a constant theme throughout the bible. God describes himself as a loving husband towards his people Israel – the people of God in the Old Testament. In the New Testament Jesus is described as the loving husband of the Church. He sets the standard of love and faithfulness that is to be aimed at in marriage.

The bible includes an entire book, Song of Songs, dedicated to the joy and beauty of romantic love and sex, and contains lots of practical advice to husbands and wives. Our understanding of lifelong, faithful, loving marriage comes directly from the bible. Marriage has always been the bedrock of stable family life, the nurture of children and flourishing communities. As well as offering practical help and insights the bible tells us that the best marriages have a spiritual dimension – with Jesus at the centre. He helps us avoid the ‘self-centred’ approach to marriage.

If you want to enquire about getting married at St Bridget’s, please contact Revd Paul Kerry by leaving your details here.



Lots happens midweek at St Bridget’s