For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

– John 3:16

We have much for which to be thankful to God; particularly for His faithfulness in supplying our needs, and to our people for their giving.

As a welcome part of our church family, there are many ways you can contribute to our ministry. You can give your time and talent simply by participating and getting involved - there is something here for everyone.

If you would like to contribute to the life and ministry of the church through regular stewardship giving or to make a donation, you may contact our finance team for information about stewardship envelopes, setting up standing orders or donations by BACS, Gift Aid, and more.

For details, contact Alistair or Bridget Norwood by email at or by telephone at 01946 591267.

donating online:

Additionally, it is now possible to make a single donation or to set up regular giving online anytime by clicking on the buttons below.

There is a small transaction fee (1.9% plus 20p per transaction). This amount will be deducted from the amount given, or, you can choose to cover the fee as an additional gift by ticking the box. This fee supports the My Giving finance administration.

There is also a Gift Aid box to tick, if appropriate.

your gifts make a vital difference to the work and ministry of our church. we thank you.

Note: Friday Drop-Ins are currently suspended during our national covid-19 lockdown period.

we will keep you updated with any new information or developments as known.