A WORD FROM ... Ruth Barwise

Dear Friends,

 With Paul being on holiday with the family he has asked if I could write the letter this month.  I thought I would explore the theme of communication. 

 When you reach for the dictionary it says communication is a noun which means 

“the imparting of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.”

So how do we communicate as a church family?

There is much evidence on a Sunday morning that plenty of speaking is taking place!  We are very good at communicating with each other especially over a mug of coffee. After all we are one big family!  Lots of talk about - holidays, families, ailments, football and sometimes we might even talk about the sermon! When not at church we are good at using our phones. Remember the old BT advert? “It’s good to talk”. With the use of mobile phones, we can even chat to each other when we’re not at home!

 Writing is perhaps in decline as a form of communication, good old fashioned pen and paper writing, but there is lots of evidence we use other types or writing. Lots of emails, texts and even WhatsApp’s are shared. If you have access to the necessary technology they can be a good way to communicate. Short messages that reach the recipient quickly. But we must be careful as the danger is that these brief exchanges can be misinterpreted. How words are used is very important.

 As a church family we can communicate to a wider audience through our Facebook pages and our Website. I know of people who keep in touch with us from as far away as America, Canada, South Africa and Australia using these mediums. Isn’t it good to know that we might be communicating with people we might not even have met! People who might never have visited Moresby let alone our church.

 But surely the best other medium we can use is the most powerful way to communicate as a church family and that is to pray. That’s why the PCC are introducing a time of prayer after the services. A time to communicate with God and share with Him all that is important in our parish and in the wider world. Why not join us today in prayer after the service?





A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry