A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry
Dear Friends,
Imagine a whole weekend devoted to 50 or so parents and children exploring the beautiful outdoors of the Lakes, connecting with one another to build community that lasts, discovering Jesus as the way, the truth and the life through conversations, talks and stories, and finding joy in a living relationship with God. You’ve just imagined the Hawes End weekend taking place on October 11th-13th!
Perhaps most wonderfully of all the weekend is full of people who have heard little of Jesus and his love and who will, we pray, take steps towards him for the first time over the weekend. As a church family we have two ways to support this exciting and new ministry.
First, we can pray. There’s an opportunity to do that at The Rectory on October 7th from 8pm – we’d love to see many of us there to hear more about the weekend and commit all the work to God. However, if you’re unable to attend here are some headlines for you to use in your own prayers…
- Give thanks to God for all those who are coming
- Pray that through questions and conversations we discover Jesus
- Pray for Joe and Chelsea Pearson giving teaching on Jesus
- Pray for all the practical arrangements to come together
Second, we can give. As you’ll see in this newsletter one of the two areas that money from our gift day will go to is this weekend. Any money we give we can do so in the knowledge that it is supporting vital work in our mission to make Christ known.
This comes with my personal thanks to the team who have been making this exciting project happen. Together they have worked tirelessly for many months to generate ideas for the weekend, warmly invite people along who might otherwise feel intimidated by the step, and coordinate everything from food to beds to boats! Keep on keeping on!
Yours in Christ,