A SPECIAL WORD from Paul Kerry ...

Dear St Bridget's church family,


No doubt by now we have all heard the news about the Queen's death this afternoon (8 September). We grieve with the nation and world at the loss of a faithful servant of her people and even more so of the Jesus she knew and found hope in. In history Queen Victoria was said to have hoped Jesus would come back in her lifetime in order that she might lay her crown down at his feet - our most recent monarch will be in divine presence now rejoicing to do the very same. This was her hope and it is ours too.

As a way of expressing our shared grief at her death and our thankfulness for her life we would like to extend the following invitations to you:

Tomorrow (Friday 9th) the church will be open for a drop in. At the top of the building in the choir stalls there will be a candle lit with the Queen's photo to allow you to pray and reflect on her life.

Sunday (11th) there will be the usual 10:45am service but there will also be a special 4:30pm service of mourning and giving thanks for the Queen, her reign, her faith and the family she leaves behind. It would be a huge blessing to us as a community to meet one another there.

This comes as ever with my heartfelt prayers for us all

Many thanks

Paul Kerry


A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry


A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry