A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry

Dear All,                                                                                                                                                           

Verse:   Psalm 34:8

‘O taste and see that the LORD our God is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.’

- You can experience for yourself the goodness and the mercies of God.
- HE longs for you to know and enjoy His favour and kindness towards you.
- Your trust and reliance on Him brings great blessing into your life.
- As you turn to hide yourself in Him, you can expect His grace and favour.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I can place my trust and my confidence in You. You are a good Father and I will find my security in You. You are my protection and Your presence means that I can enjoy Your favour on my life. Amen.

Stay safe and have a blessed July,



A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry


A WORD FROM ... Paul Kerry